Thursday, July 22, 2004

Life (not) as we know it

Things are a-changin'.  It's been a while since I posted anything about the goings on in my life, so here's the latest news.

Rachel and I are graduating on August 7 from the University of North Texas.  I will have a commandingly rare Bachelor of Arts degree in English composition and a minor in political science.  That very same day, we're moving out of Amy and B.J.'s apartment and into places unknown.  I am (hopefully) transferring down to an Olive Garden in Austin for the time being, to keep at least one source of income in the transition.  I am applying to be a substitute teacher at both Austin ISD and Georgetown ISD, and my goal is to work all three jobs at once.  In theory, the teaching won't be an everyday thing, so with luck it'll just be a mish-mash of different work every day.  If I get enough teaching gigs, I'll quit at Olive Garden.  If I actually like it, I'll get teacher certified and corrupt young minds professionally.

Meanwhile, our new apartment lease doesn't begin until August 21, which means that there are two weeks that we will be homeless.  We'll just stay in one of those weekly-rate hotels, probably.  If I can't transfer to the Olive Garden until, say, the 15th or so, we might just take a week's vacation in Houston with my parents.

The writing is coming along nicely.  I've got a decent little story cooking, and I actually know where it's going for a change.

I guess that's the big stuff.  Needless to say, if in three weeks my posting gets spotty, don't worry: I'll be back!

1 comment:

  1. I would love to read your writing sometime. If you ever want an opinion, or if you ever just want someone else to read it, hook me up!
